
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update02:08:35 PM GMT

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Sun News

McKinley County’s new look

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It didn’t take much discussion for McKinley County Board of Commissioners to vote in a new logo, in essence, a fresh brand for the county at their June 9 meeting.

Gone is the hard to make out graphic of the county building encased in a circle and welcome to a strong, Native American figure holding a torch, inspired by...

McKinley County commissioners snub fireworks ban

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A “proclamation declaring extreme or severe drought conditions within McKinley County” failed to get any recognition from the Board of Commissioners at their June 9 meeting.

County Attorney Doug Decker brought before the commission, as he does annually, for their consideration. It was also a public meeting, and one resident spoke in favor of allowing all legal fireworks be fired off this July 4  holiday.

Gallup resident Sabor Biggs said the lush landscape due to recent rainfalls should be an indicator of why most fireworks should not be banned this year.

Office of Emergency Management Director Anthony Dimas provided a packet to commissioners that cited that the county has seen...

Legislators pass infrastructure bill, two others in just hours

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SANTA FE, NM–The New Mexico Legislature did in four hours what couldn’t be done in 60 days earlier this year: pass legislation to fund infrastructure projects throughout the state, as well as two other bills. While there was some debate among lawmakers, lawmakers easily passed legislation with few dissenting votes June 8.

A bill that proved controversial during the regular session was the capital outlay bill. SB 1, sponsored by Sen. Carlos Cisneros, D-Questa, aimed to authorize $295 million help pay for about 1,000 projects around New Mexico. After a brief debate, the Senate passed the capital outlay bill in a committee of the whole and shortly thereafter the full Senate.


Navajo Head Start partners with Diné College to help teachers obtain degree

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Sharon H. Singer, assistant superintendent of the Navajo Nation Department of Diné Education, is pleased to announce a new partnership between Navajo Head Start (NHS) and Diné College to help paraprofessionals obtain their associates degree in early childhood education, and Navajo language and culture.

Singer explained NHS and Diné College established this partnership to further the mission and vision of both institutions, which is to make higher education and a highly-qualified workforce a priority for NHS.

“We are excited with our new partnership with Diné College, who will be working with our para-professionals in obtaining their A.A. degrees in early...

Navajo Nation to discuss sacred sites with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

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ST. MICHAELS, Ariz. – In March 2015, the Navajo Nation filed a petition with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights against the U. S. Federal Government for violations of Navajo Human Rights.

The petition addresses the violation of rights to religious, cultural, and judicial protection from the desecration of Doko’o’słiid, also known as San Francisco Peaks, through the continued use of reclaimed wastewater to produce snow for a commercial ski operation that is located on the site that is sacred to the Navajo People and 13 other southwest Indigenous Nations.

The IACHR is a principal and autonomous organ of the Organization of American States, whose mission is to promote...

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