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Rehoboth Graduates 42

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The Rehoboth parking lot overflowed with cars and trucks, and the Sports & Fitness Center was jammed to the roof for the graduation ceremony May 23.

Forty-two students, including 17 members of the National Honor Society, filed into the auditorium to the strains of “Pomp and Circumstance” performed by a five-piece combo. Principal Chris VanSlooten welcomed all the visitors with the help of Shannon Begay. Mikias Ippel, McKenzie Dunson and Nolan Johnny read the Class Bible verses and Superintendent Carol Bremer-Bennett addressed the graduates minutes later.

Bobbi Padilla and Amanda Martin were recognized as the Valedictorian and Salutatorian of this year’s class and a prayer of many languages was performed by: Kyrene Josafat (Tagalog), Matthew Cope (Spanish), Ingrid Patten (German), Kidist Bremer-Bennett (Amharic), Temera Nahsonhoya (Hopi), Bethany Cody (Navajo), and Shelby Petrson (English).

Special music, “My Life is in Your Hands” was performed before the presentation of diplomas and Bibles by: School Board Members Marylynn Harry, Ophelia Milford and Julia Mitchell, and by Class Sponsors Myron Postma and Steve Terborg.

VanSlooten presented the class to the audience, Bob Ippel gave a closing Blessing, and the RCS Faculty Choir sang one last song before the recessional, and the world will benefit from the addition of 42 more high school graduates, ready to make their way in a variety of disciplines.
