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You are here: News Sun News Office of the First Lady and Second Lady launches mobile app to provide resources for families

Office of the First Lady and Second Lady launches mobile app to provide resources for families

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – Navajo Nation First Lady Phefelia Nez and Second Lady Dottie Lizer were joined by President Jonathan Nez, Vice President Myron Lizer, Casey Family Programs (CFP), and KAT Marketing on April 15 to announce the official launch of the “Navajo 1st & 2nd Lady” app. The mobile app is now available for individuals and families to access information, resources, videos, and events from the Office of the First Lady and Second Lady and partners.

“On behalf of the Office of the First Lady and Second Lady, we extend our appreciation to Casey Family Programs and KAT Marketing for the collaboration in establishing a first of its kind mobile app for Navajo families. We felt the need to connect to families and individuals through the digital world. Now, parents, grandparents, programs, service providers, and educators have immediate access to information and resources to promote healthy and safe families and communities,” First Lady Nez said.

Keep up with the First Lady and Second Lady of the Navajo Nation in their newly launched app and you will find information such as local events, community announcements and videos. The app also has up-to-date COVID-19 information, a Navajo word of the week, and other resources specific to the Navajo Nation community. In addition, there’s an entire section for health and wellness videos and resources. Download the app at https://www.nnoflsl.com/app or go to the Apple App store or Google Play and search Navajo 1st Lady & 2nd Lady.

The app was developed in partnership with Casey Family Programs, who works to influence long-lasting improvements to the wellbeing of children, families and the communities where they live. Their vison for a nation where communities provide the support and opportunities every family needs to raise safe, happy and healthy children supports the First Lady and Second Lady’s priorities to increase Navajo language retention, create family units with strong cultural and spiritual foundations and share resources available in the Navajo community.

“Our inspirational partners believe that every child deserves a safe, supportive and permanent family, every family will thrive with the support of a caring community. Every community can create hope and opportunities for its children and families, and every one of us has a role to play in Building Communities of Hope. We are hopeful that the mobile app enhances engagement and enthusiasm to build stronger and resilient families,” Second Lady Lizer said.

The “Navajo 1st & 2nd Lady” mobile app is now available for free on Android and iOS devices.

For more information, visit the Office of the First Lady and Second Lady atwww.nnoflsl.com. For all other inquiries and requests regarding the mobile app, please send an e-mail to Executive Staff Assistant Sonya Begay at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
