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Top 5 national stories of 2020

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2020 National story # 1

Coronavirus strikes U.S., vaccine later developed

First identified in Wuhan, China, the few cases of coronavirus, also called COVID-19, hit the western U.S. in January arriving more than a century after the Spanish Flu in 1918. Soon after, governors throughout the country shut down their states to varying degrees. In many states, mask-wearing was called for — but political divisions widened as many people refused to wear them. Many states scrambled to get testing resources and personal protective equipment and countless ICUs reached capacity while trying to save people who were diagnosed with the virus. The positive case count in the U.S. reached over 19 million by year’s end, while the number of deaths reached just over 335,000. In early December, the FDA approved vaccines from two companies, Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna, which were shipped by the millions to medical facilities throughout the country for distribution.


2020 National story # 2

The summer of Black Lives Matter

The killing of Minnesota resident George Floyd captured on video, set off a wave of protests against police brutality, popularly known as #BlackLivesMatter. For weeks after his death on May 25, people in numerous American cities — and around the world — came together and demonstrated for change on behalf of Floyd, police brutality, and racism. The protests in the wake of Floyd’s death grew to include other cases of racial violence including Ahmaud Arbery (Feb. 23), Breonna Taylor (March 13), Daniel Prude (March 23), and the shooting of Jacob Blake (Aug. 23). In addition to the marches, there was vandalism and looting in some locations, In some cases the unrest resulted in fatalities. There were claims that the protesters were responsible. Protest organizers claimed the turmoil was backlash against the movement.

Three men were indicted by a grand jury in Arbery’s death. They were charged with malice murder, four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment.

A grand jury indicted a former Louisville, Ky. police detective on charges of reckless endangerment for his role in the raid on the home of Breonna Taylor. But the two officers who shot Taylor faced no charges.

A report by the Chicago Sun Times said the Mayor of Rochester, N.Y. announced suspension of the officers involved in the death of Daniel Prude, but they would continue to receive pay because of contract rules. No action was announced against Police Chief La’Ron Singletary. An internal police investigation determined the officers’ actions appeared to be “appropriate and consistent with their training.”

Four officers were charged in George Floyd’s death and await trial. Floyd’s memorials and funeral were broadcast online and on five major TV networks.

Jacob Blake, whose shooting took place almost three months after George Floyd’s death, was not resolved. The Kenosha [Wisc.] News reported that a review was underway as of early December. But the criminal charge that was pending against Blake when he was shot, was dismissed in November and he pleaded guilty to two counts of disorderly conduct. Blake was sentenced to two years’ probation.


2020 National story # 3

Trump impeached, acquitted

A single sentence in a 30-minute telephone call on July 25, 2019, between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr  Zelensky triggered an impeachment investigation in the House. An unidentified whistleblower alleged Trump had asked the Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. CNBC reported that Trump described the call as an innocent “perfect” call. But some White House staffers worried that the president seemed to be asking Ukraine for dirt on Biden. After weeks of discussions, the House voted to impeach the 45th president  for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on Dec. 18, 2019. The vote fell largely along party lines: 230 in favor, 197 against and 1 present, making Trump the third president to be impeached, joining Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.

The case moved to the Senate for trial on Jan. 16. In a vote that again fell largely along party lines, on Feb. 5, the Senate voted to acquit Trump on both charges. The votes were 52 not guilty - 48 guilty for abuse of power and 53 guilty - 47 not guilty for obstruction of Congress.


2020 National story # 4

Biden elected president

In his third attempt to win the presidency, Joe Biden was elected on Nov. 8, winning 306 electoral votes. His success in the 2020 election came after running for the nomination as one among 27 hopefuls. Despite a poor showing at the beginning, South Carolina’s Rep. James Clyburn delivered the vote with his endorsement on Feb. 26. It turned the race around for Biden, who, even after being hit hard for his positions on race, segregation and school busing by Calif. Sen. Kamala Harris in the first debate, chose her as his running mate. Harris is the first woman of color to be selected to serve as vice president.

Biden called for reuniting immigrant children who were separated from their families, tamping down coronavirus cases, getting people vaccinated, sending children back to classrooms, and a plan for re-opening the economy.


2020 National story # 5

First NASA-certified commercial human spacecraft system launched

On Nov. 15, an international crew of astronauts was aboard NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 mission headed for the International Space Station after a successful launch at 7:27 pm EST. Lift-off took place at Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket took the Crew Dragon spacecraft of NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover and Shannon Walker, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Soichi Noguchi into orbit to start a six-month science mission aboard the space station.

The crew of four docked at the ISS the following day, embarking on the first of six crewed missions NASA and SpaceX will fly as part of the agency’s Commercial Crew Program.

This mission moves the NASA-certified commercial system designed for crew transportation from the development into the regular flight stage.
