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School board recognizes district’s technology department

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11,000 computers; 9,600 hotspots for students

The Gallup-McKinley County Schools Board of Education opened their meeting on Aug. 24 by recognizing the district’s technology department for their role in the transition to remote learning.

“We’ve been through quite a transition in our district in regard to technology,” Superintendent Mike Hyatt said. “We had to reimagine and redesign the way we deliver instruction, and a big part of that is procuring the items needed to accomplish that task.”

Hyatt said the department worked days, nights, and weekends to ensure the district’s students had working computers ready for the school year.

“There have been huge hurdles for us to overcome as a district,” he continued. “We still have some room to go to get better things in place, but given the latency and difficulties and supply chain for computers as is, our technology team has really stepped up. They really went above and beyond for our kids.”

Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Gerald Horacek, who also oversees the district’s technology department, spoke about the work that was done prior to the school year.

“About 11,000 computers had to be set up and ready to go for students,” Horacek said. “We started that process in mid-to-late June.”

Horacek said these new computers were purchased through federal CARES Act funds.

“Next was deploying about 9,600 [internet] hotspots, which began last week,” he continued. “Also behind the scenes, the department had to get the team’s platform ready for our teachers to give the instruction to their students.”

Members of the district’s technology department then received a plaque from the board. Their efforts were also recognized by the GMCS Facebook page.

“These individuals are also the team providing support to students and educators as we navigate our current educational landscape,” the post reads. “This team had a monumental task in getting our technology ready. Huge thank you to this great team for your continued support throughout our district.”

By Cody Begaye
Sun Correspondent
