
Gallup Sun

Friday, Feb 14th

Last update03:11:14 PM GMT

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# Article Title Author Hits
161 Best of the Best face off Gallupsun Staff 1104
162 Lady Patriots power through a double header against Lady Pirates Gallupsun Staff 971
163 Lady Bengals win state championship Gallupsun Staff 1155
164 Lady Bengals succeed during state semifinals Gallupsun Staff 971
165 Lady Bengals leap over Lady Jaguars to move on to semifinals Gallupsun Staff 1033
166 Lady Bengals win Division Championship Gallupsun Staff 1463
167 Bengals beat the Bobcats Gallupsun Staff 1010
168 Lady Bengals leap over Lady Bobcats Gallupsun Staff 1099
169 Lady Bengals battle Lady Broncos for first place Gallupsun Staff 1103
170 Patriots charge past the Tigers Gallupsun Staff 1199
171 Lady Bengals defeat Lady Patriots in final game before state Gallupsun Staff 1013
172 Bengals speed past Patriots Gallupsun Staff 958
173 Lady Bengals double up Lady Tigers Gallupsun Staff 1379
174 Patriots beat the Bobcats Gallupsun Staff 856
175 Tohatchi triumphs over Thoreau Gallupsun Staff 972
176 Bengals blow past Bobcats Gallupsun Staff 958
177 Patriots pick up the win Gallupsun Staff 1160
178 Lady Broncos beat the Lady Bengals Gallupsun Staff 1193
179 Bengals overpower the Patriots Gallupsun Staff 1233
180 Bloomfield blows past Miyamura Gallupsun Staff 996

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