
Gallup Sun

Friday, Feb 07th

Last update11:19:55 PM GMT

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# Article Title Author Hits
161 Cat walking — beneficial or not? By Sam Mazzota King Syndicate 1077
162 Savor the spice Gallupsun Staff 331
163 Moments in Time Gallupsun Staff 396
164 When dog walking is a tug of war By Sam Mazzota King Syndicate 450
165 Local celebrity brings fellow stars to Gallup By Molly Ann Howell 875
166 Is pet sitting a profitable career? By Sam Mazzota King Syndicate 550
167 Celebrating love on Valentine’s Day Gallupsun Staff 768
168 Gallup campus celebrates BeKind UNM Week gallupsun 988
169 Readers Share Messages of Love Happy St. Valentine’s Day 2024! Gallupsun Staff 699
170 36 questions designed to help you fall in love Staff Reports 942
171 The history behind Valentine’s Day Staff Reports 835
172 Are dogs really happy in freezing weather? By Sam Mazzota King Syndicate 324
173 Moments in Time Gallupsun Staff 362
174 Bringing a pop of color to Gallup By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor 850
175 Does pet insurance extend to pet sitters? By Sam Mazzota King Syndicate 404
176 Gallup community celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day By Carli Mortensen, Communication Director, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Gallup New Mexico Stake 865
177 Visit Gallup launching Valentine’s Day promotion gallupsun 1162
178 The Community Pantry receives nearly 28,000 tons of food By Carli Mortensen Communications Director at the Gallup New Mexico Stake The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1135
179 The end of one journey, beginning of another By Holly J. Wagner Sun Correspondent 962
180 UNM-Gallup keeps ‘Holiday in New Mexico’ tradition alive By Richard Reyes Senior Public Relations Specialist at UNM-Gallup 1224

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