
Gallup Sun

Friday, Dec 13th

Last update02:51:19 AM GMT

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# Article Title Author Hits
841 Accept blame Sen. Munoz: Provide bold, new solutions By Joe Schaller Guest Columnist 6596
842 GGEDC tours the BNSF Logistics Center By Michael Sage For the GGEDC 6212
843 Schaller conducts his own curbside recycling ‘analysis’ By Joe Schaller Guest Columnist 6302
844 Schaller conducts his own curbside recycling ‘analysis’ By Joe Schaller Guest Columnist 2754
845 Promoting the Dine Holistic view of the world: Humane education. Preventing Bullying and Animal Neglect to Build a Kinder Community By Christine M. Schwamberger 6437
846 Schaller conducts his own curbside recycling ‘analysis’ By Joe Schallar Guest Columnist 2914
847 Reflection on New Mexico’s Fifty-Second Legislature Rep. Patricia Lundstrom, D-Gallup Guest Column 6822
848 Schaller ponders new Gallup sports competition Joe Schaller Guest Columnist 3303
849 Welcome to the Gallup Sun debut issue By Babette Herrmann Publisher/Editor 11988
850 ASK A MEXICAN! By Gustavo Arellano 9455
851 Announcing the finalists in the first-ever UNM-G Celebration of Student Writing Staff report 4408

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