
Gallup Sun

Friday, Dec 13th

Last update02:51:19 AM GMT

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# Article Title Author Hits
821 Census data reports insurance rates good for New Mexicans NM Voices for Children 2123
822 Schaller's Politically Incorrect Lexicon: A Navigation Guide To The PC Cultures of Mckinley County NM (and planet earth ) By Joe Schaller 2657
823 Schaller's Politically Incorrect Lexicon: A Navigation Guide To The PC Cultures of Mckinley County NM (and planet earth ) By Joe Schaller 2746
824 Victory for Working Families: NM Supreme Court enforces wage laws By Michael Sanchez NM Political Report 5642
825 Schaller's Politically Incorrect Lexicon: A Navigation Guide To The PC Cultures of Mckinley County NM (and planet earth ) Gallupsun Staff 2654
826 Schaller’s Politically Incorrect Lexicon By Joe Schaller 2452
827 Maybe We Should Eliminate All Symbols of Socialism By Joe Schaller 6200
828 Missionaries find a welcome in Gallup Story and photos by Tom Hartsock 5646
829 Maybe We Should Eliminate All Symbols of Socialism By Joe Schaller 2593
830 NM 49th in child well-being again: What will it take to make change? By Amber Wallin, MPA 2407
831 Life-threatening infections for newborns New Mexico Department of Health 5503
832 How to finance an indoor shuffleboard club By Joe Schaller 5912
833 With long-term unemployment, why make parents work for food? By Veronica C. García 2487
834 Hogan’s Not-Heroes and Trump’s Wild Card Rants By Howard Barbanel 6085
835 Combat Hero’s Bike Build organization By Kenneth Reige 5633
836 No open carry at Texas fast food chain By Andy Lyman NM Political Report 5681
837 Welfare dependency and its unprivileged offspring By Joe Schaller Guest Columnist 2735
838 Does ‘white privilege’ exist? Schaller conducts own analysis By Joe Schaller Guest Columnist 5997
839 Sen. Munoz: the ‘Economic Freedom Index’ is a valuable resource By Joe Schaller Guest Columnist 6346
840 Time to man up and get your check up Gallupsun Staff 3013

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