
County votes to terminate RMCHCS lease


Hospital can meet conditions for reconsideration

McKinley County has decided to terminate its lease agreement with Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services.

In a Nov. 14 open public meeting the county commissioners voted to exercise their right under Section 1.4 of the lease and give RMCHCS 180 day notice that the lease will be terminated April 15.

McKinley County Manager Anthony Dimas stated in a press release that the commissioners have instructed him to work with the RMCHCS board to come to some agreed upon procedures and processes to see if a resolution can be made.

However, a few conditions must be completed by Jan. 15. If these conditions are met, the commissioners will reconsider the 180 day lease termination notice.

These conditions are:

Complete detailed account for mill levy funds for calendar years 2021, 2022, and 2023

Open and transparent communication with RMCHCS employees and the community

Continued dialogue/communication with county management and county commissioners

Payment in full for past due lease payments in just over $1.5 million

Staff Reports
