
Gallup Sun

Thursday, Sep 19th

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Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF NOV. 4

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The Sun in Scorpio encourages deep reflection and emotions. This invigorates work and romantic relationships. Expect an awakening. However, the opposite is possible. Realization may hit that you really hate your job or SO. Madame G recommends caution. Remember what you learned from your grandmother: always be polite and offer...

Meet Cibola County Commissioner Candidate Robert S. Windhorst

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Dear Editor,

When I first got involved in Cibola County Politics it was in 2013. I decided that I would run for Magistrate Judge in a Democrat bastion! My opinion has always been that no one Party, or individual, has all the answers, I believe that it takes everyone working together to make things work. I also believe that choice is an important part of our Democracy. Without choice our society loses the ability for real change.

As the Chairman of the Cibola County Republican Party for the past twenty-one months, I have opened the doors of our monthly meetings to all people from both the Republican and Democratic Party. We have had appointed leaders an elected officials speak and it...

Ramirez ‘Big Break’ story correction

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In regards to last week’s story of ‘Big Break’ in Vol. 2 Issue 82, Friday Oct. 29, I want to make it perfectly clear that although we do appreciate the $12 a night discount for four nights at the Red Roof Inn, 3304 W. Hwy, Mr. Yogash Kumar gave to us the week of Sept. 19 / Sept. 22 in no way shape or form has Mr. Kumar helped us in any other way, especially financially or with temporary housing which was stated in this issue of the Gallup Sun. The stay was not free and he is not assisting or providing temporary housing for myself and my family. We would like to thank the community, friends, and family for their support, donations and prayers during this difficult time. We do have a...

Is the community willing to do its part for economic development?

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To the Citizens of Gallup and McKinley County:

I attended the announcement by Gallup Land Partners on Oct. 17 regarding the groundbreaking ceremony for the Gallup Energy Logistics Park. The event was hosted by Greater Gallup Economic Development Corportation. It was exciting to hear about the $4,000,000 investment to construct the rail terminal for the Park.

It is critical for the community to pursue economic development in a proactive way so that we can expand our tax base and improve the quality of life for the citizens of Gallup and McKinley County. The expansion of the tax base should help us improve the infrastructure in the community, and enable us to recruit more professionals...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF OCT. 28

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It’s your birthday — maybe. Madame G welcomes the Scorpio Sun into the fray. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, ancient agrarian humans believed the veil was thinnest around Halloween. The Celt’s Samhain was the celebration of summer’s end and marked time for communication not only with the divine, but also the dead. This week, listen close; your spirit’s speaking.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The winds of change are in the air. As a hot-tempered fire sign, you want things NOW, if not yesterday. Internally, you’re afraid of running out of steam because your attention is limited. From the outside looking in, you’re demanding. Other’s may see you as the boy/girl who...

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