Heinrich urges National Guard to fully compensate state service members

SOS pleads not guilty

Duran appeared in person in district court in Santa Fe. She was released on her own recognizance.
The courtroom filled with a small crowd of about 15 people, mostly media, watching from monitors in the hallway.
Duran’s attorney asked the court to dismiss 15, of the 64 charges, for on a variety of reasons ranging from the location of the hearing to how the New Mexico Attorney General filed the charges.
First Judicial District Court Judge Glenn Ellington denied the motions to dismiss the charges.
NM special ed funding issues run deep

But the state’s ongoing struggles with special education go deeper than the audit, which found the state underfunded the program by $110 million from 2010-2012.
Throughout the years, state lawmakers have clashed with Gov. Susana Martinez on how to fix the problem.
The issue goes back to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Act, a landmark federal law passed in the 1970s that mandated public education access to special-needs students. Part of the law requires that every state increase special education money each year, or keep...
City Council Round-Up

Street closures on Coal Avenue from 9th to 1st Streets - Sept. 18 for Miyamura High and Sept. 23 for Gallup High – for homecoming parades were quickly approved. Miyamura will begin their parade at 4 pm while Gallup High will start theirs at 4:15pm, respectively.
Another street closure request was made by the Gallup Film Festival 2015 of Coal Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets will last from 4 am Sept. 19 until 5 pm Sept. 20. This approval is...
Erin Brockovich visits the Navajo Nation

Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye and Vice President Jonathan Nez met with Brockovich in Shiprock, at the hogan of Perry Begaye, to provide a briefing on the water contamination.
Chapter officials, community health representatives, Navajo Abandoned Mine Land staffers and tribal employees were also present for the report.
Brockovich said the plight of water contamination is being played out across the country and commended the efforts of Begaye and Nez to stand up to the US EPA.
“You are standing strong for your land...
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