
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Feb 09th

Last update02:05:48 AM GMT

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Letters to the Editor

Concerned citizen takes issue with alleged police brutality

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To the Editor:

Begaye says that he supports the efforts of public safety departments across the Navajo Nation, including those that serve border town communities? Begaye also said that police officers risk their lives on a daily basis to ensure the publics safety and that they DESERVE to be commended.

Arizona Department of...

Past County Manager weighs in on Dist. 3 race

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As we approach the upcoming County election for the position of District 3 County Commissioner. Four people are in the race – David Dallago, Jr., Bill Lee, Johnny Green, Jr., and Gerald O’Hara.  Here is what I am looking for with regard to each candidate.

Who displays integrity and honesty in all they do?  I know there are many people who are tired of leadership in government lacking these two things.   The question is which of the four candidates can you “TRUST” to oversee County government on your behalf and in the best interests of the County.

Who will exercise fairness and equality in hiring?  I believe everyone deserves to be treated fair and equal in the hiring of...

Decision on curbside recycling initiative needs to go to Gallup voters

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To The Editor:

There has been a lot of discussions on the curbside recycling program agenda item as to its implementation that was not approved by council. I want to set the record straight as to why I did not approve such a program through an ordinance.  First and foremost, I made it clear in council that curbside recycling was coming, next year or the year after, but because it was a burden on the customer to pay for the service, I believe it should be the right of the customer to have an opportunity to vote for it through a referendum.

There were additional reasons for my decision:

1: The city was going to pay for the costs upfront and then amortize the initial upfront costs over...

Letter to the Editor: A spirited journey

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When the Longest Walk 5--”Declaring War on Drugs” arrived in Gallup (NM) on March 17 and 18, 2016, I didn’t know how many people knew what was taking place, although, even as this historic event has come and gone, the war continues here as it does in every community along their way to Washington, D.C. which began on the Barona Band of Mission Indians Reservation in San Diego County, southern California on a 3.500 mile spiritual journey.

Here in Gallup, the drug of choice is everything under the sun but alcohol seems to gethe most attention and this is reflected in the costs of operating a detox center that is the proverbial (regional) money pit, quite literally.  A...

The city of Gallup – missing the mark on infrastructure improvements

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Editor, Gallup Sun:

The letter to the editor from Brett Newberry struck a nerve.  The City certainly is not keeping up with infrastructure.  It appears to me that several factors are involved.  A clear lack of direction as Mr. Newberry pointed out is obvious. This combined with the Gallup one-percent – the golfers – getting their share first and also an attitude of provincialism by entrenched locals.

There is such a thing as “opportunity cost”. If a community spends all its extra cash on recreation it will not have enough money to fix the street when repair is needed. For this example I will use street repair and storm drainage, but the same could be said for water or sewer...

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