
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Feb 18th

Last update03:11:14 PM GMT

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Arts Crawl had Warm Moments

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It was a little chilly outside for a Holiday Stroll during Arts Crawl on Dec. 12, but the music, dancing, good, art and special gifts made for a lot of warm moments inside the downtown buildings.

The pictures show what it looked like, in case you weren’t there, but even the best image cannot impart the warmth...

Local artist’s murals, paintings capture Gallup’s cultural tapestry

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Gallup is filled with many talented artisans who showcase their talent by means of silversmith, rug weaving and painting. As this area is an unique diversity of culture and art, many artisans come out of this spectrum making their mark in the art world, one of those is, Ric Sarracino, talented painter.

Sarracino first discovered his talent at a very young age.

“I started to paint and found my niche, oh about when I was a small child in my kindergarten class.,” he said.

Throughout his school days, he discovered that painting was his outlet.

“In elementary school I was recognized as a great artist,” he said. “I was so disruptive. I lacked discipline and this...

Different Approaches to Art

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Part 3 of 3 of Series on Art

Art, of and by itself, is a form of many and varied disciplines. Artists are vigorously independent, combining their talents and needs rarely with artists of other talents and needs. Any approach mentioning art must be aware of these divergencies, recognizing all without disrespecting others.

Attempts to form coalitions of artists almost always bump into what another artist might deem to be their territory. These usually fail at an alarming rate simply because of these differences.

A thought had occurred initially to this writer that a series of interviews – hopefully with direct and meaningful responses – would be a fitting conclusion to this series...

The Importance of Art to Gallup

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Part II of III

In spite of the rough-and-tumble early existence of mining and the railroad, Gallup has mostly always been an artful community.  It took a few years, of course, to replace the male-dominated life with the gentler wants and needs of the distaff side who seemed to appear from everywhere and succeeded, as well as they could, in calming and taming the hardy, rough-hewn pioneers that dug and scraped and built this area with their sweat and muscles.

Even the construction of houses became an art form. Some women were not willing to accept four plain walls and a dirt floor, and the best of them insisted on a finer quality than men would have needed. As the town grew into a...

Armand Ortega Jewelry Store in the El Rancho Hotel

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The Jewelry Store at the El Rancho Hotel is owned by the Ortega family and features handmade jewelry from Local Artists throughout the Region. The Primary goal of the Jewelry Store is to provide you with the finest handpicked jewelry from Navajo, Zuni, and Hopi Artists.

The late owner, Armand Ortega, had been in the jewelry business his entire life and is a 4th generation trader. As a child, he worked in a Trading Post in Holbrook Arizona and has always worked hand in hand with the Navajo community. Today, the Ortega family is one of the premier Traders in the region and he invites you to talk with their staff if you would like to learn more about Indian Jewelry.

We invite you to...

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