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guide to the stars WEEK OF June 12-18

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Blame the stars! It’s roasting outside and you’re still ordering your lattes extra hot. You’re still sporting leather riding boots and a lightweight coat. You feel great, but your friends look at you a bit oddly. I call it the contrary star and you’re under its spell. No need for concern...

Guide to the Stars WEEK OF June 5-11

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Well, it’s getting hot out there honey, and to boot, you heard a little unsettling news.  Heat + Bad News = Grumpy Goat Holder. Yes, I know, it’s a ram … just a little joke to cheer you up. Chances are if you’re from Gallup you have dabbled in flea market cuisine, and some vendors may roast a goat rib or two. Tie one on this weekend, and try something new. Food I mean!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In journalism, there’s supposed to be this person called a “fact checker.” They even check Madame G’s horrible grammar. OK, you have received some misinformation. You have been told that Uncle Barney is flirting with ladies at the senior center. When in...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF MAY 29 - JUNE 4

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Thinking of gold? Not in terms of taking it to get melted down, but as in “going for the gold.” You’re still reeling from Mercury in retrograde, but it’s time to end the meltdown right now and tackle your next project, even if it just means clearing your work desk of clutter. Next, take an uphill walk with a friend.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You claim to have psychic abilities, but it’s really good intuition. Someone’s eccentric behavior really bothers you, but everyone else considers him the life of the party. His life is one continuous episode of “Ridiculousness.” Lots of high risk antics, such as skateboarding down stairs. Do it Taurus - tell...

Guide to the Stars WEEK OF MAY 15-21

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re feeling full of bright ideas these days. Maybe you want to interview someone famous, like Patrick Moraz, the keyboardist for the Moody Blues. Yes, the iconic 70s band with the curly-haired keyboardist, and dreamy rock ballads. Madame G, hee hee (blush) is showing her age. But, you need to go in a unique direction this week.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

TMI = Too Much Information. You’re usually the strong one, bullish and full of pride. Nothing bothers you, not even your Uncle Martin flashing his stained dentures to scare the kids. But, lately you’re a tad sensitive to people telling you too much information. You don’t want to know that your friend...

Guide to the Stars WEEK OF MAY 1-7

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Enjoy basking in the glow of your happiness this week. Times have been tough the last couple of weeks, and you were really sinking into a gloom, zombie type state –  just going through the motions of life, and basically sucking the life out of the party. Now this has passed, share your happiness with others. Go bowling for fun.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For you, this week is like Valentine’s Day every day!  With the full moon in Scorpio, you will spend much of the week trying to mesmerize and win over your mate with your romantic wiles and wicked good looks. Don’t go overboard with the flowers. Be different: try buying some dual pogo sticks or go on an...

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