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Pixar back to its roots with ‘Inside Out’

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««« out of four stars

PIXAR has had a tough time since they were enveloped by Disney. The company that used to stand as the pinnacle of quality for American animation has fallen victim to the Hollywood repetition virus for last five years. Cars 2??? Not necessary. A Monsters Inc. prequel that focuses on the college...

DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for June 12, 2015

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Welcome once again to the highlights of what is coming your way on Blu-ray and DVD. There isn’t a large quantity of films this time out, but several of them sound interesting. As always, be sure to click on any links to read detailed reviews. So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

Big New Releases!

The DUFF - This high school set comedy follows a teen who decides to reinvent herself after learning that she is the “designated ugly fat friend” of the popular kids. Along the way, she decides to take down her uppity classmates. Reviews were solid for this youth-oriented effort. While some found it a bit too...

JURASSIC WORLD Delivers Plenty of Dinosaur Thrills

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Rating: ««« out of 4 stars

Running Time: 2 hrs., 5 min.

It has been over 20 years since the original Jurassic Park, but feverish fandom for the film and all things dinosaur haven’t ceased. In fact, the property appears to have grown in popularity - those who enjoyed the original as kids are high on the nostalgia for the adventure, and the series has added new young fans courtesy of its frequent airings on TV. Thankfully, Jurassic World is a sequel that generally works. It’s simple, escapist entertainment with plenty of thrills and chills that are guaranteed to impress most viewers.

In the decades since the original tale, the Costa Rican island where the dinosaurs were created...

Entourage The Movie will Make Fans Happy and Entertain the Newcomers

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««« out of 5 Stars

Running Time: 1 hr, 45 minutes

It’s true. You do not need to have watched the HBO cult show Entourage  to be able to enjoy the film version of Entourage.

This is not a guess or an assumption as I never watched a single episode out of the eight seasons of the show and had no trouble keeping up with Vince (Adrian Grenier) and his bro/buddy support system. This is due, in most part, to the simplicity of the concept. Pretty boy makes it big and the City of Angels and brings his entourage (hence the name) along with him for the ride. There are parties, drinking and parties. And lots of girls. Wash, rinse, repeat.  Got it.

The movie finds Vince on the top of the...

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup June 5, 2015

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It’s time for another roundup, featuring upcoming highlights on Blu-ray and DVD. Once again, there are plenty of interesting releases coming your way. So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

Big New Releases!


Focus - A con man’s latest scheme gets increasingly complicated when a woman from his past enters the picture. Naturally, it becomes difficult to tell who is playing who and to what purpose. While notices were mixed, there were more that fell on the positive side than negative. It has been described as an overly complicated comedy/crime flick that occasionally has difficulty suspending disbelief, but...

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