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Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF APRIL 28

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Crisis much? May 2 ushers in a New Quarter Moon and this stirs up anxiety. You may use this for good or bad. A little stress is good—it encourages growth and action. Too much of a good thing—and stress kills. You must seek the balance. First listen, what emotions are gnawing at you. Madame G suggests listening. You...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF APRIL 21

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Last week is in the past. This week expect to slow down. A New Moon emerges on April 27. This marks a quiet and restful time for quiet contemplation. Use your time wisely. Meditate on past behavior and how you can improve. Don’t dwell on your mistakes. Your best bet is to make a list of your top areas for improvement. Madame G says think and take action! GO!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Life is full of adventure and inaction. Everyone is on the verge of waiting for something to happen and the moment of action. In the quiet moment between action and choosing—reflection is king. Learn to use those quiet moments for understanding and acceptance. You must learn to live with what you...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF APRIL 14

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Did you see the Pink Moon? If you didn’t, don’t despair—there’s no FOMO here. In fact, it’s the name of the first full moon of Spring. It’s so named after the phlox, a pretty pink North American flower. You may find yourself feeling as if you’ve missed out. But, Madame G assures you that’s just a thought. A rose is still a rose by any other name. Enjoy the moment!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Don’t fret over spilt milk or make an Everest from a prairie dog hole. You may feel pulled in random directions or that you’re following a path—you don’t want. This may be true. Madame G encourages you to stay the course. Patience is not a lost virtue. It’s a sign of...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF APRIL 7

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Today the Moon is Void Of Course, but that’s no excuse to ignore your New Year’s Resolutions. If you’ve made new goals, see this as an opportunity to focus on one new change. Madame G recommends slow and consistent effort. Instead of making huge goals aim to be a good person, enjoy family, or feel rich. What’s your bliss? Begin the search now. Enjoy!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Look towards the future. Don’t get bogged down in pettiness. You really don’t need to cry over spilled milk. You’ve a unique journey that no one else could accomplish, but it’s up to you to find the path and live it. Consider taking college courses and learn a new skill. If that’s not...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF March 31

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The Sun is firmly in Aries. This encourages a strong sense of self-assertion. BOLD, is your middle name. You’ll find action speaks louder than words, especially as a First Quarter Moon flares on April 3. The combination may strike a match on your passions, for good and evil. Madame G suggests you temper angry outbursts and have a little fun. Take action now.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Sun is Aries. Your time is now. You’ll face a few obstacles and you’ll be triumphant. The best course is, to take action, obliterate obstacles, and torpedo towards your destiny. Even if you’re $3000 PC breaks down for no reason, you’ll find the answer. Sometimes the best advice and most...

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