
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Feb 18th

Last update03:11:14 PM GMT

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Public Safety

Weekly Crime Blotter

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East Side, Gallup

Gallup Police Department Officer Norman Bowman arrested Nelbert Lee, 34, of Church Rock, NM July 26 after he was identified as being the person who pushed down Zelda Cadman, 46, of Gallup and took money out of her pants pocket. Cadman told Bowman that $300 was taken, but $12 was recovered...


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Colleen Notah, 28, Ft. Defiance, Ariz.

July 19, 6:52 pm

Notah was arrested in the Wal-Mart parking lot after a witness followed her there and called into Metro Dispatch. Prior to entering Wal-Mart, the vehicle Notah was driving had, according to the police report as stated by witnesses, “drove on the side walk – then collided with the stroller while the (10month old) child was inside.”

The child was taken to the hospital, but did not appear to have any noticeable injuries. Witnesses told police that the vehicle continued on, without stopping, and went into the Wal-Mart parking lot.

Gallup Police Department Officer Luke Martin arrested Notah for...

Gallup drug dealers: Hooked and booked

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After various six month long investigations, six people were placed in jail on distribution charges. As reported in a previous addition, the Gallup Sun will not release the identity of undercover narcotics agents. Agent #1 and Agent #2 were met with at a secure location along with another agent and Capt. Rick White of the Gallup Police Department.

According to GPD, these are just the beginning.

“[There are] more to come,” Agent #2 said regarding narcotics arrest.


Kendrick Jim, 24, Gallup

According to the statement of probable cause, Agent #2 contacted Jim and set up a meet where the Agent purchased $80 worth of a “green leafy substance [that] had the...


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Ricky Yazzie, 21, Mentmore

Aggravated DUI

Citizens, Gallup Police Department and McKinley County Sheriff’s Office worked together July 22 to take an alleged intoxicated driver off of the road. Even though Yazzie refused all standardized field sobriety tests, breathalyzers and blood draws, the fact that multiple callers called him in as a drunk driver and that he was found passed out in the driver’s seat should say something about his state of being.

A citizen, who was not named in GPD Officer Jessie Diaz’s report, stayed behind Yazzie on Ford Drive in the turning lane that would have taken the vehicle directly onto the main Highway 66.

When Diaz arrived, he found the citizen...

Weekly Crime Blotter

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East Side Gallup, Business District

Tyrell Charley, 21, of Churchrock NM is facing aggravated battery charges after a fight broke out at McDonald’s East July 24. According to the report, filed by GPD Officer Matthew Ashley, Security pointed out the individuals who had been involved in a physical altercation but had already left the area. Ashley found Charley at Hollywood Car Wash. Charley told him that a couple had started verbally assaulting him as he was leaving McDonald’s and that it had turned into a fight.

Officer Andrea Tsosie found the couple, Michael Paywa, 22, and Rochelle Begay, 23, in the area of Desert Rose Trailer Park. They also agreed that the verbal altercation...

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