N.M. delegates welcome $191,000 to protect children from lead in drinking water

Kamala Harris is no investor
Kamala Harris took a few brief minutes on the campaign trail to answer a couple of questions from reporters and flash her policy chops.
When asked how she is going to pay for her lavish spending plans, the vice president explained that it would be covered via those indispensable fiscal tools — pixie dust and magical thinking.
The expansion of the child tax credit, which will cost $1.2 trillion? According to Harris, “The return on that investment, in terms of what that will do and what it will pay for, will be tremendous.”
Tax credits generally, including a $150 billion expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit? “We know that there’s a great return on investment.”
When asked how she is going to pay for her lavish spending plans, the vice president explained that it would be covered via those indispensable fiscal tools — pixie dust and magical thinking.
The expansion of the child tax credit, which will cost $1.2 trillion? According to Harris, “The return on that investment, in terms of what that will do and what it will pay for, will be tremendous.”
Tax credits generally, including a $150 billion expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit? “We know that there’s a great return on investment.”
Judge orders City of Las Cruces to release documents, award fees, penalties

The case was brought by Attorney Peter Goodman on behalf of Michael L. Hays when the City of Las Cruces failed to comply with a request from Hays to inspect records under the Inspection of Public Records Act. The lawsuit claimed the City unlawfully withheld records and redacted portions of records without proper explanation, in violation of IPRA. IPRA specifically provides that a public body must provide a written explanation of...
Leger Fernández applauds VP Harris' housing plan

Harris and Leger Fernández both recognize that first-time...
Lowering prescription drug costs for New Mexico seniors

“Congressional Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act two years ago this week, and it’s paying off and making a real difference in the lives of New Mexico families,” he said. “For years, I have pushed to allow for fair negotiations to lower prescription drug costs for seniors. This is finally happening.”
Congressional Democrats, who passed the Inflation Reduction Actin August 2022, applaud lower prices for all 10 drugs selected by the Biden-Harris...
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