
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Feb 18th

Last update03:11:14 PM GMT

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Sun News

Landavazo reflects on past, points to current issues

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Husband, father and grandfather first, now City Councilor, Allan Landavazo took time to raise his family before he decided to run for city office. Landavazo has deep ties to Gallup. He was born and raised here, graduating from Gallup High School. He has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and has been the...

Working to make Gallup a ‘beautiful’ place

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Newly inaugurated Gallup City Councilor Fran Palochak (District 4) is on a mission to change her beloved hometown’s image.

And Palochak knows from her 25 years of experience as the 11th Judicial District’s court clerk and deputy court executive officer that it’ll take everyone that lives in and around Gallup.

“It’s easy to be critical when you don’t know what’s really going on,” she said. “We all, not just elected officials, have to work together to make Gallup a beautiful place.”

Palochak recalled a conversation she had with an individual who was attending a workshop in Gallup.

This individual decided to drive home to Los Lunas and return the next day instead of...

‘Talent Showcase’

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McKinney, Palochak take oath of office

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It took only minutes for Mayor Jackie McKinney to be sworn in as mayor for a second term and for freshman District 4 Councilor Francisca “Fran” Palochak to take the oath of office.

McKinney was moved to tears after taking the oath, thanking his wife and family for their support.

He told the crowd that the agenda is “clear” and that “we don’t need to be driven by an outside agenda.”

The mayor later said that the outside agenda is the media, but didn’t delve into details.

Meanwhile, Palochak said after being sworn in that she would like to hold a weekly meeting in different parts of her district to address concerns and to help educate residents on how the wheels of...

Thieves make off with historian’s prized, southwest collection

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Police busy with a garden variety

of robbery calls

When it comes to raising a family, one thing that most all people have in common is the want to keep them safe and secure. This security becomes threatened when someone breaks into the family home, or steals or destroys something on the property. The multiple burglaries that have struck, not just in the city, but McKinley County as a whole, serve as a reminder for citizens to be vigilant.

Martin Link, a well-known local writer, historian and all around Gallup citizen, just had this happen to him last month. According to the police report filed, Link was given a stack of ceremonial newspapers that he wanted to add to his collection...

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