
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Feb 18th

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It Was a Very Good Week

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There often is something, some small thing even, that can foul up your week. This is true in any kind of weather everywhere in the world and does not confine itself to one general or specific subject. Things just seem to happen in no apparent order, and there is good and bad intermingled, it seems.

The old wives tale was that these items occurred in threes. That was probably so you could optimize your conditions by knowing that after three bad events you would be more thankful for a good one. Of course, this adage worked in reverse as well, so instead of thankful, you may begin to dread every passing day, at least until the cycle was ready to change again.

From a positive standpoint, here is what made this last week GOOD:

The Gallup Bengal girls’ basketball team walked through their own tournament with easy wins over Tohatchi, Miyamura, and Cleveland. None of the games were even close, especially in the second half. Start hoping for another State Championship, it’s never too early to hope!

The large crowd at Gallup High for the above tournament was also treated to a Jr ROTC Honor Guard presentation of the colors before the last game of the three nights, and fans also got to see premier halftime performances by the Gallup High Bengal Girls’ Dance Team, who are simply amazing to watch.

The Rehoboth Christian Basketball Tournament did not translate into championships for either the varsity or junior varsity boys, but coaches and fans at that school do not consider mere wins as a thing to possess at any cost. For them, it is the experience and education that is important, and in that respect I agree with their philosophy. So yes, it was a successful two-division tournament!

Then there were the hot air balloons, floating lazily through the sky on Friday and Sunday and noisily through downtown Gallup on Saturday when the wind picked up, The latter was part of the annual Christmas Parade and the long line of walkers, floats, and other vehicles made it a special event for the thousands of spectators that watched from the sidewalks on both sides of the parade route.

Part of the Red Rock Balloon Rally is the nightly glow – one at Red Rock Park and the other at the Rio West Mall – on consecutive nights. Each is well attended, though the one at the Mall causes the worst tie up of traffic with its proximity to Walmart and Highway 491, the major North/South road through Gallup. Not complaining, just saying.

And for so many, Christmas shopping continues with all the warmth and happiness the holidays can create. Here’s wishing you and your families the best during this season, where ever you reside.

It was my first trip to watch basketball in almost two years and I wasn’t disappointed. The Gallup fans are still very loud and enthusiastic, though Tohatchi also brought quite a few of their Cougars to the tournament, as did the Patriots of Miyamura High. The only thing lacking was the front entrance to the gym, which is starting on its second year of repairs. Seems a real shame after so much money was spent on the school when it was built, that no one in the district thought to question the contractor for what seems now was an error in design or planning.

Oh well, in the spirit of Christmas I guess we should be glad that we have a gymnasium at all, especially one of that size.

I’ll be going back now that I’ve had my inaugural visit, so expect to see me in the bleachers and don’t forget to comb your hair!