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You are here: Opinions Horoscope guide to the stars WEEK OF June 12-18

guide to the stars WEEK OF June 12-18

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Blame the stars! It’s roasting outside and you’re still ordering your lattes extra hot. You’re still sporting leather riding boots and a lightweight coat. You feel great, but your friends look at you a bit oddly. I call it the contrary star and you’re under its spell. No need for concern though, but gently push yourself into summertime before you get heatstroke.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Feeling naughty this week? It’s okay to have an edge, to have a little fun by playing practical jokes on those closest to you. Perhaps you convinced your young nephew Tommy that monsters in the TV really exists. You feel like you’re the fun uncle or aunt, but the joke could backfire on you. So, if you wake up with toothpaste in your hair, chalk it up to karma.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini has your daredevil twin reared its scrappy head lately? Madame G won’t tell anyone about your shopping spree or bungee jumping from the Snake River bridge in Idaho excursion. It was far away, and you cried so hard, but there’s no need to tell anyone. The point is that you’re bound to do more zany things. Be sure to visit your Capricorn friend for a slap back to reality.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You smile as you look at the lush green flora carpeting the ground, thanks to the recent rainfall. But, something is a little off. There’s a man who at first glance causes you to recoil. He has on glittery and eccentric attire, plus he’s wearing blue latex gloves on an 80-degree day. He’s not to be judged by you. He is a sage. Listen and you will learn.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

So, you’re looking at a home alarm system? Something in my crystal ball reveals to me that you’re concerned about personal security. An alarm could be a good thing as you don’t like bars on your windows. You immediately think of your kindred four-legged pal, a Leo lion sitting in a zoo. Meanwhile, be stealthy and sure-footed as you shop for personal safety items.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo constellation shows a shift upwards, which means some higher thinking is going on with you these days. But, you’ll take the new sense of insight, as time to try something new, such as a wheat grass fasting regimen. Think about what the intake of a grass only diet will do to your tummy.  You’re not a cow. Transition slowly into health freak mode or you’ll be in udder trouble.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

She sells seashells by the seashore.  Say it fast 10 times and you’ll get tongue twisted for sure. The point here is not to recite old, alliterative rhymes, but to let you know that a tropical destination awaits you. It’s time to restore personal balance, not just work, work, work. Can’t make it to an isle? Find Whiskey Lake … write a letter to the editor if you find it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio’s star map reveals a struggle with the need to control. For instance, pale legs in shorts. You’re just dying to color everyone with pale legs and dark arms with some bronzer so they look even-colored. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to pull this off without being arrested. I know, it’s just a funny fantasy. But, focus on your own bod and bronze your own legs.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Be careful when outdoors and watch out for the Tarantula Hawks. You don’t want to be a moving target for those aggressive wasp-type things. They pack an nasty sting. Something in my crystal ball shows you spending a lot of time outdoors, on the lake, river or somewhere else bug infested because you like being in nature and wearing your short shorts and what not.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn wants some outdoor time, although you’ll make an itinerary. You plan on printing out a schedule and handing it to your family members to keep them on schedule. Well, you mind as well go take that hike up to teapot rock on your own. Most people enjoy spontaneity. Ditch the schedule, and let go and be wild and free for a few hours like a 60s hippy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

What does Aquarius and Triple Crown winner American Pharoah have in common? Nothing at this point. It takes hard work to win three races in a row, if you’re a horse. As a human it’s tough as well. But in the rat race of life, it’s easy to get stampeded by rude and inconsiderate people. Rise above the rats and ride like a champion jockey on American Pharoah.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, you have got to love all of this rain. It’s soothing to the inland fishy being that longs daily for the smell of salty sea air. Take advantage of this weather to do something fun in nature, such as a trek to Zuni Mountains and explore the wonder of nature and the fun things that mountain folk do. The trees blowing in the wind will remind you of the ocean waves.