
Gallup Sun

Friday, Oct 11th

Last update11:06:31 AM GMT

You are here: Opinions Letters to the Editor To the Editor:

To the Editor:

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I say at the top that I am not attempting to get alcohol banned in drunk city or “dry” reservation. I will also not bring up the pros and cons of drinking alcohol.

Used, abused, addicted drinkers, the calvary is you. If you do not quit drinking cold, the cons that I am not listing, await you. Not one pro is in store for you. The hypocrite officials, Indian and non-Indian, will not come to your rescue. Their calvary is always too late.

Used, abused, addicted drinkers, a profit making jail is wanted in drunk city, if you refuse to understand that you must first help yourselves or God will not help you. Then a potter’s field like the one that Judas paid for with his betrayal and his death by his own hand, is in your immediate future.

That is the semi-bottom line. You will become aware of the bottom line at the instant of death.

Louis Maldonado

(505) 905-5939
