A free workshop, “Recycling in the 21st Century, “will be held June 5 for teachers and educators in McKinley County. The intent is to raise awareness about recycling in our community, to help teachers integrate recycling with Common Core Standards, and to introduce educators to a variety of resources in our area that can enhance student learning. The workshop begins with registration and breakfast at 8:30 am and ends at 2 pm. Lunch and resource materials included.
The workshop will be held at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, 151 State Highway 564 (Boardman Drive). Space is limited. Contact Shafiq Chaudhary ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) for more information and to register.
“Where do smelly old sneakers, sticky soda cans and other yucky things go after you throw them away?” Participants will find out by viewing “The Rotten Truth”, a Children’s Workshop Production. In addition internationally recognized for their conservation efforts, Bio-PAPPEL (Prewitt corrugated cardboard paper mill) will share their technical staff for a special presentation about their green technology.
Teachers are encouraged to bring examples of arts, crafts, science projects, dioramas and the like, from their classroom teaching that utilize recycled materials for a fun and informative display.
Tentative Schedule for the Day
8:30 am Registration / Breakfast
9:00 am Welcome / Introductions / Review what MCRC is about - History, Volunteer opportunities - Saturday Bins / Recycling Depot / Advocacy
9:20 am “The Rotten Truth” (30 min) A Children’s Workshop / 3-2-1 Contact Production
10:00 am Break
10:10 am How Recycling can enrich Math, Science, Social Studies and other Curriculum Coordinates with CCS, Community Service and Service-Learning Opportunities
11:30 am Lunch / During this time check out the display of recycled art projects and other resources.
12:00 pm Bio-PAPPEL presentation – BP is one of the largest paper mills in North America. John Shaw, Technical Manager (Prewitt, NM mill) will share a film about the international company and discuss the use of recycled water and paper products at the facility.
2:00 pm Depart