
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Feb 18th

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You are here: Opinions Letters to the Editor Legislation to increase K-12 salaries heard in first committees

Legislation to increase K-12 salaries heard in first committees

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Dear Editor,

The House Education Committee began to hear bills during the morning of Feb. 3 after spending the prior week in orientation sessions and hearing presentations on the various budgetary proposals impacting public education in New Mexico’s schools.

The members of the Committee heard two main bills of importance to our members, House Bill 63 and House Bill 156.

House Bill 63 is the product of a task force which was established to review the Student Equalization Guarantee and make recommendations to the Legislature on how the SEG can better serve our schools’ needs.

The bill better classifies and funds English Language learners who have become proficient, modernizes factors in the state budget methodology to better capture poverty in the context of the at-risk factor for funding schools, and increases the at-risk factor.

AFT New Mexico supports HB 63 and thanks Dr. Ellen Bernstein, President of the Albuquerque Teachers Federation for serving as our union representative on this task force. The Committee passed HB 63 unanimously Feb. 3.

Also heard Feb. 3 was House Bill 156, which would increase minimums for Levels 1-3 for certified teachers in our K-12 public schools.

Specifically, if passed, HB 156 would increase beginning salaries to $55K, $65K, and $75K, respectively, for Levels 1-3.

AFT New Mexico strongly supports HB 156 and spoke in support of the legislation, which was passed unanimously by committee members Feb. 3.


Coming up Feb. 5 in House Education is House Bill 201, which establishes a minimum salary for all classified educators in K-12 public schools of $30K, annually.

AFT New Mexico has been working diligently with the sponsors of HB 201 and Legislative appropriators to ensure funding is allocated to enact this important legislation, as increases to classified salaries are among our top issues this legislative session.

AFT New Mexico will be in committee Feb. 5 in order to support this legislation.


Whitney Holland

President, NM American Federation of Teachers