DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My next-door neighbor puts out food for all of the outdoor cats in the area. That includes a lot of strays who are now mingling with the cats who have homes. She even buys specialty cat food if she thinks they don’t like what she’s offering. I think this is a dangerous situation, because the cats may be exposed to diseases from the strays. What should I say to her to stop this? — Concerned Next Door
DEAR NEXT DOOR: If you’re on polite terms with the neighbor, go over and talk to her about the issue, calmly. Explain your concerns and let her know that some of those cats have homes and owners who may not be happy about their cats being fed somewhere else.
However, if you’re not comfortable speaking directly with her — or if the conversation accomplishes nothing — you will need to consider other routes.
If you have a neighborhood HOA, bring up the issue in a community meeting. The cats’ owners may not be aware of what’s going on. If you don’t have an HOA, try discussing the issue with the other owners directly. Explain that their cats are at risk of contracting diseases common among strays, like feline immunodeficiency virus or could be injured in a territorial fight. The least painful solution is for cat owners to keep their outdoor cats inside and away from the neighbor.
Then contact your local animal control. Now, animal control doesn’t always intervene in these situations, but if they feel that the strays are a danger to other pets, they may come out and try to trap and remove them to a shelter, or at least have a talk with your neighbor about putting food out.
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© 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
By Sam Mazzota
King Syndicate