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Rep. Leger Fernández calls on colleagues to prevent a catastrophic default

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WASHINGTON D.C. — Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernández issued the following statement on Debt Limit:

“The United States pays its bills. Unfortunately, Speaker McCarthy is taking us to the brink of economic disaster by refusing to raise the debt limit - something that was regularly done under House Democratic Leadership and by Republicans under the former President.

If we don’t raise the debt limit by as early as June 1, it would plunge the United States into a catastrophic recession. Millions would lose their jobs. Seniors wouldn’t receive Social Security, servicemembers wouldn’t get paid, millions of families would lose nutrition support, and veterans would lose their benefits.

We cannot let that happen. Unfortunately, Speaker McCarthy is holding the American economy hostage for partisan political gain. That is why we have introduced special legislation to bypass the Speaker and pay our bills if only a handful of Republicans join us.

This financial crisis can be avoided with just five Republican votes. I call on my colleagues to think of their constituents, friends, and family who would suffer. Let’s do our jobs for the benefit of seniors, servicemembers, hard-working families, veterans, and every American who has entrusted us to serve. The stakes are too high. Let’s do our duty.”