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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Madame G Guide to the Stars Week of December 23

Madame G Guide to the Stars Week of December 23

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Your new projects are jumping out of the starting gate and you didn’t buy a saddle. This isn’t the time to go all willy-nilly. Enjoy time with your family. If nothing else, you can always run away on your stead. Madame G suggests holding on tight for the ride. Happy Holidays!

Aries (March 20- April 19)

There’s a spark charging up your routine. It’s an unexpected thrill and the excitement is surprising. As you pull a fellow trainee lifeguard from the bottom of the pool, imagine the enjoyable prospects of summer. Daydream of Christmas in July, the heat of summer beckons you. Happy Holidays!

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

You have a steady-on attitude - it’s very stoic. You’d make a good Brit with that stiff upper lip. But now you’re being pushed up a steep path with your pants on fire. You’re not sure if you should run, stop, or tuck and roll. In this life, the tortoise beats the hare. It’s your time of year. Happy Christmas!

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Searching for excitement is your daily grind. But perfection gets in the way of fun. You’re a funny mixture of wild abandon and type-A personality. In fact, you’re a rubber band pulled back and ready to snap. When you finally release, it’ll come out and pop. Make sure your aim is true because there’s no need to harm an innocent. Happy New Year!

Cancer (June 21-July 20)

A dark force enters your life, don’t worry, you’re excited. You’ve prepared in advance and brought out the cape. Star Wars can’t watch itself. You’re taking the kids, and dragging out the spouse. You’re playing it cool. But, Darth Vader is coming along for the ride, or maybe Boba Fett. Enjoy your weekend!

Leo (July 22- Aug. 22)

Well, it begins with a push out the door and then a walk on Mars. Just kidding. Madame G suggests buckling down and taking notes. You can’t fight bureaucracy. It’s hard to push through friendly fascism. But, you’re not complaining. Every time you walk by a mirror it’s a glorious sight. Don’t fight your pride. Merry Christmas!

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sept. 22)

The holidays are here and you’ve barely had time to stop for eggnog. Where’s the Christmas cheer? Maybe you’ll find a party on New Year’s. The money will have to compensate for freedom. Don’t lose yourself in the mundane. Life is for the living and money can’t solve all problems. But, it can fix many of them. Good luck!

Libra (Sept. 23- Oct. 22)

There’s no balance this season. Creativity is taking over and you can’t wait to tackle the next great project. You feel conflicted about rushing forward and others may not have your standards. They’re too busy having fun. You want it done right, but the hedonist in you enjoys the good life. Let it go and move onward and upward. Happy Holidays!

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 21)

You’re in the limelight and ready for anything. Your exacting standards mean you’re never satisfied, but a minor blunder doesn’t faze you. You’ll push forward better than ever. The only expected thing you’ll ever do is the unexpected. The world better look out, the Scorpio is in town. Happy New Year!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20)

Accomplish your goals before the New Year. You’ve rested up and negotiated the contracts. Now is the time for action. It may seem unfair at first, but everyone faces challenges. Heed the wise words from the Princess Bride: “Life isn’t fair. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.” Love the one you're with. Happy Holidays!

Capricorn (Dec. 21- Jan 19)

Don’t be cranky. It’s unattractive. Plus, you're being nit-picky when it’s not necessary. The holidays are upon us and we’re learning from past mistakes. Determine your goals moving forward and tackle the stacks on your desk. Finish up any lingering work and allow yourself a free run into the New Year. Enjoy!

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18)

The time to act is now. You’ve thought and planned, but it’s now or never. All plans go askew and sometimes you need to think on your feet. You’ve done your due diligence, but pushing forward is key and sometimes you wing it. If you’ve never failed, you’ve never tried. Be creative and have some fun this holiday season.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 19)

It’s hard to imagine life as anything, but drama and conflict. Madame G suggests doing the unexpected. Interact with those you would normally disagree with. If you’re religious, volunteer at Planned Parenthood. If you’re an atheist, attend a church service. You might learn something new and find happiness on Earth. Feliz Navidad.