
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Feb 18th

Last update03:11:14 PM GMT

You are here: Sports Bleacher Talk Come Join in the BBBS FUNraiser

Come Join in the BBBS FUNraiser

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It was a full-fledged party last Saturday at Gal A Bowl for the Eighth Annual Big Brother/Big Sister Mountain Region FUNdraiser, labeled more accurately as Bowl for Kids’ Sake.

Forty-six teams were entered this year, with only one team refusing to man the lanes but sending in their donations anyway. Each team of five needed to raise at least $500 to enter, with some bringing in more than that. The total contributed by the bowlers was $30,000, with another $21,650 coming from sponsors. Other FUNraisers were being held that same day, so Region totals do not reflect everything this group brought in, but as of Saturday afternoon, the total reported by Event Coordinator Ron Ruybal was $141,000.

Small prizes were given out to the participants during the three sessions held that day (2 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm) but the larger prizes, including the hand-painted bowling pins and “gimmees” that totalled over a thousand dollars, all went to the sponsors for their generosity.

No bowling skills were required to have fun on this day, just show up, collect your event T-shirt and dress according to the theme; this year’s was Hawaiian-based. The bowling establishment was decorated with balloons and streamers and the bowlers dressed in flowered shirts and even skirts, and almost all had a lei wrapped around their necks.

It was FUN; it was a celebration; and there was a snack bar and other goodies available if you got hungry. It was a afternoon PARTY for a good cause.

And just in case you didn’t notice, there was room for another two or three teams to participate next year! Come on and join in the FUN!

For more info, contact Sarah Piano @ (505)728-8356.