
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Feb 18th

Last update03:11:14 PM GMT

You are here: Opinions Viewpoints Welcome to the Gallup Sun debut issue

Welcome to the Gallup Sun debut issue

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Welcome to the new Gallup Sun free weekly newspaper. We hope you enjoy our debut issue. We not only want to keep you informed, but we want you to feel entertained and proud of Gallup and the surrounding community, even with the challenges we face in this growing region.

We thank our debut issue advertisers for taking a leap of faith and advertising with a new publication. Providing clear and crisp ads that customers will take notice of is our #1 priority.

Also, a big thank you to the establishments that are carrying the Gallup Sun. You support both local businesses and a free, local community newspaper.

As publisher/editor of the Gallup Sun, I welcome story ideas and feedback on stories. We also encourage letters to the editor and guest column submissions.

Please take time to visit our Facebook and Twitter pages. Our free-access website will be ready to launch shortly, and you can find it at: www. gallupsun.com

And be sure to take advantage of our free classified ad page! A basic classified ad runs up to four weeks at a time. Please see our classified page for further details.

Local charitable and civic groups are encouraged to place events in our calendar section, please see our calendar section for submission guidelines.

For all other inquiries, please call: (505) 728-1640 or email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .