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The Glory of the Son

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“And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.” John 17:5 (ESV)

In the New Testament, Jesus’ favorite reference to Himself is “the Son of Man,” leading many to believe and question whether Jesus perceived himself to be the “Son of God.”

The apostle John, who refers to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” records the final ‘public’ prayer Jesus has with His disciples before His crucifixion.

In the first five verses of this prayer, Jesus repeatedly makes statements, which make it abundantly clear that Jesus understands Himself to be the “Son of God.”

Jesus begins in verse 1 by referring to himself as the Father’s Son. There can be no confusion here concerning to whom he is referring. To what Father would He pray but to God the Father. Though He refers to the Son in the third person, he is clearing referring to Himself as the Son.

In verse 3, Jesus defines eternal life as knowing (the word here speaks of relationship) the only true God (The Father) AND Jesus. Jesus is putting Himself as a necessary requirement for eternal life, an equal requirement with God.

In verse 5, the sited verse above, Jesus goes so far as to claim to have pre-existed the world (the word here is ‘cosmos’) and claims to have glory with/equal to the Father.

Make no mistake. Through His prayer, and particularly in these few verses, Jesus makes a very clear claim that He is the Son of God, pre-existing the universe, having equal glory with God the Father.

Jesus leaves us no room to decide that he is a ‘good moral teacher.’

We must decide if He is who he claims to be or not. And the consequences of this decision are paramount!

In verses 2 and 3, Jesus claims that He has been given “authority over ALL flesh” [emphasis mine] that is men and women, all made in the image of God, but are fallen because of their sinfulness. He claims it is His to give. And as stated earlier, He defines the requirements for attaining eternal life, we must know (that is be in relationship with as you would with a friend or a spouse) “… the ONLY true God, AND Jesus Christ…” [emphasis mine]. Without this relationship with God the Father AND Jesus the Chosen One, the Son, we cannot have eternal life.

From these five verses of Jesus’ prayer, we have two important matters to address, from Jesus’ own words:

Will we acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, pre-existent to the universe, worthy of being listened to for what is true?

Will we heed His words and recognize there is only one way to eternal life, by having that needed relationship with Him and His Father in Heaven, the ONLY True God?

By Bill Emmerling
Pastor-Gallup Christian Church