
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jan 12th

Last update02:16:09 AM GMT

You are here: News Public Safety Pawn shop robbery suspect dead

Pawn shop robbery suspect dead

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The man suspected of stealing a revolver from Ted’s Pawn has died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound March 8.

Gallup Police Department released an “attempt to locate” bulletin to the Sun shortly before noon Thursday.

The bulletin stated that the man, who was described as Native American and being about 5 feet 5 inches tall wearing a red pullover, entered Ted’s Pawn Shop on Maloney Avenue at about 10 am and asked to see a .357 magnum revolver.

When he was given one, the suspect took a bullet from his pocket, put it in the revolver and pointed it at the clerk. He then fled the pawn shop and got into an older model Ford pickup.

GPD Capt. Marinda Spencer said police found the pickup truck matching the description parked at American Heritage Plaza. Police initiated a traffic stop, but the suspect ignored police commands to exit the vehicle.

“The next thing they hear is a gunshot,” she said.

Paramedics arrived and pronounced him dead at the scene. The name of man is being withheld until the next of kin is notified.