
Year of turbulence comes to an end


Editor’s pics : Top 5 story categories for 2020

Because the COVID lifecycle generated many stories in many categories in 2020 from the declaration of the global pandemic to how it impacted the economy, closed the schools, overwhelmed the hospitals and medical centers, the competition to get personal protective equipment and ventilators, the realization that certain populations were hit harder due to poverty, race-related factors and pre-existing medical conditions, alcoholism, homelessness and cultural issues found on the reservations, including lack of running water and crowded lifestyles, it was hard to choose a single story to represent all of these and more.

So, I chose TWO: The lockdown of the City of Gallup which took place just as Mayor Jackie McKinney was leaving and Mayor Louie Bonaguidi was taking the reins, and the arrival of the novel coronavirus vaccine.

By Beth Blakeman
Associate Editor
